Saturday, May 31, 2008

Quick Update :)

Well as u can all tell I have been away from the blogger land for some time now. I Have been in libya for about 1 month so far, and i still got 1 more month to go before my family comes. I start my first final exam tomrrow inshallah..Please pray for me.
Well i got her on the 30th and straight away from the airport i went speeding home got changed and went to the Hall where my department was having the Graduation party. we have the grad party and pix before the actual exams, sorta to lift our spirits. Neways it was a magical nite. no one expected me to make it in time for the party, but alhamdulilah i was there. Then the next day on May 1st, we had the group pic. It was nice too....we took loads of pix and my friends from all over came to watch. I cant believe that this year is coming to an end. What will i do without my friends.
Neways just wanted to update u all. Inshallah all is well with u guyz.
please dont forget me in ur dua'a's. I have my graduation seminar insahllah in a few days....very nerve racking..
Here are some pix for u to see......enjoy..
take care

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Welcome Home Passport

well i have been meaning to post something new for some time now but got caught up in working on my graduation project, studying for finals and SHOPPING..
It's been even more stressful cause i sent my passport to be renewed to canada, and wasnt sure when i would get it back. But alhamdulilah it arrived today :) SO HAPPY....
So i finished my project. It's about Shakespearean sonnets. I just have to finish typing it up, but alhamdulilah the hard part is done with. My graduation party is on the 30th Inshallah, and group picture day is on May 1st. Maya Dear you have to come, it will be taken in front of the Library at Garyonies.
I got my exam results back, and Alhamdulilah i got a 97% avergae. So that puts me at first place alhamdulilah. My best friend is a close second at 96.5%..
Inshallah i am heading out to Libya on the next available flight outta here, just waiting for my dad to get the residency sticker in the passport though.
this time i will keep u posted, cause i am taking the laptop with me and i will have easy internet access at home..
all i need is ur prayers now so i can do well on my exams and grad seminar.. oh my grad seminar is on may 15th..
Hope to hear from u all..
Maya dear here i come...Dr. Butterfly I cant wait to see u..
take care
fee aman allah

Friday, March 28, 2008

Libya Trip Jan 2008

salam bloggers

well here it goes

i was in libya for 2 whole months and 1 week. i had the best time, a huge change from my days in Qatar. i left doha qatar at 8:50 pm jan 16. i went through dubai international airport and the story starts here. the libyan airplane got delayed 4 extra hours, so that meant i stayed in dubai 8 long hours. when the libyan guyz around me discovered that i was travelling alone, they adopted me for those 8 hours, feeding me and telling me to stay put where they could see me. haha i felt like a little girl. and at last arund 5 am we left dubai for bengo and it was an awful flight. the libyan airlines suck!! i got to benina airport in bengo at around 9 am, and of course my dear cousin jijo was waiting for me to get my luggage off the belt. i almost huggeed him, but held myself together. it was very emotional for me as we drove through the streets of bengo to my street. wow wat a feeling. of course i was staying at my aunties house, so he dropped me off there and the phone calls began. for the next 3 hours as i was unpacking my phone was ringing off the hoook. it felt soo good to be back. that evening my auntie and i went to my other aunties house, and had a nice evening. mazal i was gonna go to my dad's side on friday. that would be buzy. the next day i went from around 11 am just to find em all sleeping so i took my keys and opened my house and looked around. everything was just as we left it. all wrapped up and waiting for us to come back to. when my family saw me they were in shock. during my stay in doha i lost aroun 6 kilos, so it was a woooow to em. i spent the day chatting and hugging my cousin mona, my closest cousin to me. i went home to my aunties house and straight away hit the sack and slept like a baby. after that i spent the next week on campus hugging and kissing my friends, and i have alot of em, some guy walked passed me one day and said oh u should give the guyz hugs and kisses too! lol i laughed so hard. neways i went straight to business the following week, studying and catching up on missed lectures. my first exam was on feb.2 nd it was linguistics. it was good alhamdulilah. we finished exams on feb 12. and alhamdululah so far all my results are around 28 out of 30 which i am happy about. on feb 16 we took 2 weeks off for out mid year break. i went to weddings, hung out with my friends, went out with em nd had a blast. i didnt get bored not one minute of it. during the second week of my break, my friend koki and i went to dubai street, did a little shopping and had dinner at pizza house. we laughed alot and acted like we werent libyans just for the fun of it. i drove her home at around 9 and hung out till 10 then went home myself. i also met up with maya and a few other friends at mayas house. that was very refreshing for me..the only downside was that i saw maya only once, cause she studies at a different faculty, but i saw her sis on a daily basis, seeing that she studies in the same department as myself.

on march 2, my dads side of the family went to the family farm for a zarda. i counted the people that came, which were around 45, and thats only half of the family. of course libyan zarda's are all about food and gurma and just walking around the farm. we laughed alot and sat around the fireplace with the darbuka and sang and danced quite a bit. that was i day i shall never forget.

we went back to university on the 3rd of march. some people were surprised to see that i was still in libya, lol i was like i am going to find every excuse to extend my stay in libya. people were like u are crazy 3abtash but i said there is no place like libya, no place like home.

i had my research mid year exam on the 12th of march and it was good alhamdulula, it was a long presentation but 100% was the grade i got. yaaaay......... well after that it was back to studying. In between i would go to my aunts place and stay over, every couple of days at a house, seeing that i have 6 aunts on my dads side. on mailood i went home with my cousin and stayed for 3 days.

then the phone call came. my dad called me on wednesday and told me that on sunday ur coming to Qatar. that was the shock of my life..

i soo wasnt supposed to go back till never. but i had to come back to renew my residency and my canadian passport, so that when i go back again in a few weeks i can stay as loooonng as i please. when my friends found out, my friend kooki made a cake and called the guyz from the med school and they had this little bye bye 3abtash party. lol kooki said how dare u come and go like this. i need u..well u know what kooki i need u too...

the nite before i left, my cousin's friends invited me out for dinner as a farwell tthing. we went to a nice place called pisa that just recently opened in bengahzi, it was nice, lots of food annd laughs.

all in all i had a good visit. sure it had its ups and downs, its emotional times, fights and what not, yet i had a life again.

now i am back to being a bumb at home, well not really.

am studying hard, working on my grad project, exercising, and shopping. but the shops here have nothing i like so its a bit hard.

well here are some pix of the silly things my friends and i did...

no comment for em all..


wa salam

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Salam fellow bloggers,

well i am back in Doha, Qatar. I have been in libya for more then 2 months. i finished my midterm exams and alhamdulilah i did still waiting for the results. i got back last nite and i am still in a mess. my SIM card expired so i gotta get it re activated but that means me paying 200 riyals, and no way i am gonna do that. so i got a new one for 50 riyals. ahh a new number so i gotta get it spread out in libya again. ahhh... i soo loved my visit. inshallah once i get settled in i will post some pics and stories bout my trip. ohh and of course inshallah i am going back at the end of april for my graduation seminar and final exams. inshallah kayer

hope everyone is good..i really missed the blog world.

till the next post

bye bye

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Benghazi HERE I COME!!

salam all

well as u can tell from the title, I am going to LIBYA!!

I cant wait. just 4 more days and i am gone!! i am all i packed the minute i knew i was going.

at first i booked for the 23rd of this month, but then the exam date moved up so i had to re-book for the 16th.

my exams start on the 29th inshallah. i am really stressed out these days with all the studying. inshallah all goes well..

this time i will be absent from the blogger land till i finish my exams, but if i have time i will post an update.

please pray that i do well and that everything is well..

Maya huney i am coming i cant wait to see u i misssss u soo much ya 7obi.

take care everyone

salam for know

next post with come from aljamahiriya al3odma

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Late Eid

Yummy 3osban

salam everyone
I hope all of you enjoyed ur Eid. i know i havent posted nething for a while, but like they say always an excuse for everything. lol
This year's eid was one of the worst by far, mainly because my mother, father and myself got really sick. we had the fever, cough, sore throat, upset stomach, and nething else u can think of, so we didnt have an eid.
so after we got better, which was almost 10 days later, my parents invited our close libyan freinds, Alfantazi's, a family we have known since our days in canada, for a 3osban party! yay!!
so of course i got buzy cleaning up the house, and mum got buzy in the kitchen.
alhamdulilah we had a good time. so we got together yesterday and everything went smoothly. but of course i had other plans so i didnt stay for the whole thing. they served the dinner and i left right away, cause a friend of mine who is getting married invited the girls for dinner at Pandora's. although i have never been there i enjoyed the food and of course the company of 8 girls. after dinner we went to the cinema and watched 30 days of night and walked around the mall and checked out a few stores. of course we all spent alot of money..hhaha even though we didnt pay for dinner we made up for it by buying the few odd things.
so far i begining to enjoy Qatar, although i dont wish to live here.
neways here are a few pix of yesterday's 3osban party, so enjoy.

Hot mesayer, made my ME!

My dad and his friend Dr. Akram and the boys

the sofra, almost all ready